Apollo Office Systems Virtual Desktop

Desktop Virtualization is an all-new technology that comes with the guarantee to speed your work and increase its productivity in multi-folds. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is a software technology that enables you to run a desktop environment in association with application software in a client-server which is termed "user-virtualization".

This software provides a complete desktop environment management system that is highly flexible and easily accessible and with 100% better security. The security arrives as all the data and information are stored in the data center of the remote server and automatically backed up at regular intervals. So, even if hardware or system software is crashed, the chances of losing data are practically nonexistent.

Apollo Office Systems offers a comprehensive VDI conceptualization for your company that enables you to work from anywhere in the world in the comforts of your desktop work environment seamlessly.

Apollo Office Systems Desktop Virtualization technology augments suppleness of admittance for remote desktops and applications; conveys a reliable, unwavering, personalized, and secure user experience. We are also dedicated to improving conformity through centralized control and accessibility to personal data.

Benefits of VDI in connection with Apollo Office Systems

Every company has a set of employees and executives working on different levels with different desktop specifications. This is why we concentrate more on proffering a wide range of desktop virtualization solutions.

  • The VDI software abridges the task of management and desktop administration
  • From any data center, the user can access the running virtual desktop
  • Accessibility can be extended to remote users effortlessly
  • Centralized desktop security and protection of data
  • Comprehensive technology which supports both thin clients and PCs

Significance of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in your business

  • CPU and Memory space usage in a most effective way: Since every activity is done on a virtual portfolio, from application downloads, and up-gradation, saving and retrieving files and folders to the running of application software, the CPU of a system is used in an effective and positive way thereby helping to save memory resources.
  • Diminution of desktop downtime and increase in accessibility: Virtual world can be accessed from any part of the world; henceforth the worry of desktop not functioning is practically reduced. It also helps to increase the availability of resources.
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance directly from the data center: Any kind of problem with application software gets immediate attention from the consistent data center where troubleshooting and upgrades are done regularly.
  • Single Management: Virtual desktop runs on a centralized management system enabling the user to save up operational expenses and related resources.
  • Complete and alert security: The technology software provides instant security to your data as applications and information reside in highly secured data centers. Even if your system is corrupted while working, your data will be stored instantly which can be retrieved later.

VDI is classified into many categories depending on if the desktop is running remotely or locally, or on whether the runtime should be constantly active or run at intervals, or on whether the desktop perseveres between multi sessions. Types include:

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
  • Server Virtualization
  • Desktop Virtualization within Single desktop